Attention Middle and High School Students: You don’t want to miss this announcement!
Jenna Havlik has negotiated a FREE quiz exemption for each and every student in grades 6-12 at Highland Community Schools. SAY WHAT?! As part of her Senior Project she is hosting a SOCIAL MEDIA DETOX for the first two school weeks of second quarter. She’s already done the hard part and negotiated with each and every single teacher here at school, now it’s time to do your part!
Starting on October 21 and ending November 1, students in middle school and high school who would like to participate will turn their phones in to Mr. Tarrell at the beginning of the day and retrieve their phones after the final bell at 3:28pm. Students who complete the detox successfully will earn a FREE QUIZ PASS good for one quiz in any class for the remainder of the school year. If you are participating, and you feel the need to retrieve your phone at any time, you reserve that right; however, you will no longer be eligible to earn the free quiz pass. If your parents need to get ahold of you during the school day they are welcome to call the school and have the call directed to the classroom you are in. If your friends need to get ahold of you they are welcome to talk to you in person, send you an email, write you a note, get the idea.